Solan, Himachal Pradesh 173215

राजकीय महाविद्यालय, कण्डाघाट

Govt Degree College, Kandaghat

Bharat Scouts & Guides

Bharat Scouts and Guides is a voluntary youth movement with Rovers and Rangers as its higher wing. The motto of the Movement is "Service to Society". The purpose is to develop the young people as Rangers (Girls) and Rovers (Boys), in achieving their overall physical, intellectual, social and spiritual goals. The college also has one unit of this organization. The Rovers and Rangers attend the training camps from time to time and are engaged in various college activities and functions.

Rover and Ranger unit is the higher wing of Bharat Scout and Guide. The Rover and Ranger unit of GDC Kandaghat was registered with Bharat Scout and Guide, Jhansi Park, Shimla in June 2021. The Unit consists of 10 rovers (boys) and 10 rangers (girls). The unit took oath to obey the rules and regulations of scouting and guiding. The unit maintains discipline during all kinds of extra co- curricular activities in the institution. Rover Leader Dr. Jitender Kumar and Ranger leader Dr. Mrinalini Kashyap attended one day State Level beginners course for Rover Scout Leaders and Ranger Leaders on 21-12-2021 at GDC Hamirpur, organised by The Bharat Scouts & Guides, HP.
Rovers and Rangers is a movement for the young people of the age 18 and above. The motto of the movement is ‘Service to Society’. The purpose is to develop the young people as Rovers and Rangers, in achieving their overall physical, intellectual and spiritual goals. This movement enables them to become more responsible and duty bound individuals in society. Rovering and Rangering follows certain basic principles—

  1. Duty to God
  2. Duty to Others
  3. Duty to Self

Rovering/ Rangering is a way of life. It is a senior wing of Scouting and Guiding. Rovering/ Rangering was started by the founder of Scout Movement ‘ Lord Baden Powell’ in 1918. Any regular student of College/ University between the age group of 15 to 25 years can be enlisted as Rover( Boy) / Ranger (Girl).
Government Degree College Kandaghat, District Solan started Rovers and Rangers Unit in the session 2021-2022 under the guidance of Principal Prof. Indira Daroch.

Eight male students of the institution were registered as Rovers and eight female students were registered as Rangers.

Rovers and Rangers Cell Members


  • An orientation of the students registered as Rovers and Rangers was conducted by Rover Incharge Dr. Jitender Kumar and Ranger Incharge Dr. Mrinalini Kashyap. Dr. Ravinder Dogra, department of Sociology was invited as the speaker.
  • On 28th December 2021, Rovers and Rangers Unit, Government Degree College, Kandaghat participated in a poster making competition in collaboration with Road Safety Club.
  • 27th January 2022, the Rovers and Rangers Unit,GDC Kandaghat participated in online Deshbhakti Geet writing competition and earned certificates for the same.
  • On 30th March 2021, Rovers and Rangers Unit presented a mime play on ‘Water Conservation’ on the occasion of Annual Day Celebration.
  • The Rovers and Rangers Unit, GDC Kandaghat remained active in maintaining discipline during every college activity throughout the year.
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