Solan, Himachal Pradesh 173215

राजकीय महाविद्यालय, कण्डाघाट

Govt Degree College, Kandaghat

Scholarship, Fee Concession & Financial Assistance

Number of scholarships and fee concessions are available to eligible and deserving students. Information regarding the dates, eligibility conditions and procedure for applying for these scholarships/concessions, etc. is notified on the college notice board from time to time. (For additional information contact the Convenor of Scholarship/Fee Concession Committee). The student may apply for these scholarships/concessions on prescribed forms that can be obtained from the office or online. The application should be duly attested/ verified by the competent authority and should be accompanied by the relevant certificates of educational qualification/income/caste/ tribe/ domicile etc.
The Scholarships / Concessions available are:

  1. Post Matriculation Scholarship for SC/ST Students:This Scholarship is available for students of SC/ST Category whose parents/guardians & annual income does not exceed Rs. 2,50,000 per annum.
  2. Post Matriculation Scholarship for OBC Students:Students who belong to OBC category are entitled to this scholarship if the annual income of their parents is up to Rs. 1,50,000 per annum.
  3. IRDP/BPL Scholarship Scheme:The student who belongs to IRDP/BPL families may apply for this scholarship with required documents. A sum of Rs. 1200/- per annum is provided as financial assistance.
  4. Post Matriculation Scholarship for Students with Disabilities:This scholarship is applicable to students with more than 40% disabilities and having a valid certificate of disability issued by the competent authority ( as prescribed under rules).
  5. Kalpana Chawla Chhatravriti Yojna:This is a National Scholarship for 2000 meritorious 10+2 girl students of all study groups. The deserving candidates will be awarded a scholarship as per notification.
  6. Indira Gandhi Utkrisht Chhatravriti Yojana for Post 10+2 students:The scholarship shall be awarded to the ten male toppers each from the merit list of 10+2 Arts, Science and Commerce, supplied by the H.P. Board of School Education Dharamshala. The rate of scholarship would be Rs. 10,000 per student per annum.
  7. Dr. Ambedkar Post Matriculation Scholarship for SC Students:This scholarship will be given to top 1250 meritorious students of SC category. The rate of scholarship would be Rs. 12,000 per student per annum.
  8. Dr. Ambedkar Post Matriculation Scholarship for OBC Students:This scholarship will be given to top 1000 meritorious students of OBC category. The rate of scholarship would be Rs. 10,000 per student per annum.
  9. Scholarship to the children of Armed Forces Personnel killed/ disabled in action.
  10. Dr. Ambedkar Post Matriculation Scholarship for Economically Backward class students.

These scholarships are awarded to students as per norms and rules prescribed by the department. The concerned student is also required to have an Account in any of the Scheduled / Commercial Banks and Aadhaar Enrolment. The Bank Account should be linked to AADHAR number.

Scholarship Committee Members

Scholarship Monitoring & Scrutiny Committee Members

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