Solan, Himachal Pradesh 173215

राजकीय महाविद्यालय, कण्डाघाट

Govt Degree College, Kandaghat

Parent Teacher Association (P.T.A.)

Parent-Teacher Association has been formed in the college with the avowed object of promoting participation of parents in the developmental activities of the college. Parent Teacher Association of Govt. Degree College Kandaghat has contributed a lot to the development of the College. Its main objectives include revival of the relationship between the parents and teachers, to create the healthy educational environment, to arrange discussions with the elder persons of the society from time to time and incorporate their suggestions for the improvement of the educational standards, to suggest ways so that students' education is promoted, to make a collective effort to improve the conduct of the students and also to restrict the entry of anti-social elements on the campus, to inform the parents/guardians about the performance of their wards from time to time, to arrange teachers etc. when there is shortage of staff in the institution as a temporary measure, and to make the parents aware of various schemes of the Govt. in the area of education.
On admission of a student, his/ her parent (father or mother) or guardian (only blood relation) automatically becomes member of the PTA.
The executive body of Parent-Teacher Association comprises the following members:

  1. Principal of the College - Patron of the body.
  2. Parents Guardians (only those who have blood relation with the students studying in the college)
  3. Teachers
Patron Pro. Smt. Indira Daroch
President Sh. Harish Sharma
Vice President Smt. Sarita
Secretary Pro. Smt. Anju Thakur
Deputy Secretary Sh. Sudhir Kumar Sharma
Treasurer Dr. Yashika Guleria
Chief Advisor Sh. Joginder Singh Thakur
Executive Member(s)
  1. Sh. Dharam Pal
  2. Sh. Baldev
  3. Smt. Sita
  4. Smt. Kamlesh
  5. Dr. Savita Sehgal
  6. Dr. Saneh
  7. Smt. Rajni Bhardwaj
Technical Helpe(r)
  1. Sh. Vishal Gupta
  2. Sh. Vijay Verma
  1. Pro. Malvika Sharma
  2. Sh. Devender Thakur

Notice of Annual General Meeting of PTA

The Annual General House / Meeting of the PTA will be notified in the month of August/September, 2022 in the College to undertake the following agenda:
  1. Election of the office bearers and members of the Executive
  2. Any other matter with the permission of the Chair
Parents/ guardians may please make it convenient to attend the meeting in the interest of the College and their wards.
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