Solan, Himachal Pradesh 173215

राजकीय महाविद्यालय, कण्डाघाट

Govt Degree College, Kandaghat

Cast Based Discrimination

What is Caste Discrimination?

Caste discrimination involves massive violations of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights. Caste-affected communities are denied a life in dignity and equality. The concept of “Social exclusion” in social science literature is of recent origin. Social exclusion is a complex and multidimensional concept having social, cultural, political and economic ramifications.
Discrimination on the basis of caste, locality, social/ economical background or gender is prohibited at this Government Degree College Kandaghat. The Prevention of Caste-based Discrimination Committee shall understand the terms of the letter from UGC in words and spirit, and initiate continuous actions to ensure that no official or faculty member indulge in any kind of discrimination against any community or category of students, faculty or staff members. Sensitizing officials/ faculty members of the campus while dealing with such cases would also be the responsibility of the committee. As per the letter from the University Grants Commission, it was informed that the Officials/ faculty members should desist from any act of discrimination against SC/ ST/ OBC students on grounds of their social origin.

Prevention of Caste Based Discrimination at GDC Kandaghat

Any kind of discrimination on the basis of caste, creed, religion, language, ethnicity, gender and disability (Under Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act is strictly prohibited in Govt. College Kandaghat. The college will be very sensitive while dealing with incidents of caste discrimination and a strict action will be taken against anyone involved in any act of discrimination. The Officials/faculty members have also desisted from any act of discrimination against SC/ST students on grounds of their social origin.

" Be a change-maker!
Make our campus Discrimination-Free!"

The information regarding the SC/ST Cimplaint Committe has been given down for lodging such complaints of caste discrimination by SC/ST students
Govt. College Kandaghat also place a Complaint Register in the Principal’s Office for the purpose.
To prevent caste-based discrimination in the Institution, Govt. College Kandaghat appoints the following committee to look into the cases of caste-based discrimination in the department.


  1. Student should report to Faculty or staff member in written.
  2. The complaint shall include sufficient details of the alleged act of discrimination or harassment.
  3. Committee will verify and process the same for the final approval from Head of Institution.
  4. Remedial solution and resolution for complaint is done and informed to the complainant.



In case of any caste-based discrimination in the educational institution, please approach any of the members of the above-mentioned committee and if any such incident comes to the notice of the authorities, strict action will be taken against the erring official or faculty members or any other person whosoever is engaged in any act of caste based discrimination promptly. Action Taken Report will also be sent to University Grant Commission on the email:

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