Solan, Himachal Pradesh 173215

राजकीय महाविद्यालय, कण्डाघाट

Govt Degree College, Kandaghat

Procedures & Formality

Leave Rules for Students

  1. It is compulsory for all the students to get their leave sanctioned before proceeding on any kind of leave.
  2. A student can proceed on leave with prior permission from the Principal, but the application should also be signed by the parents/guardian of the student and duly recommended by the tutor.
  3. For leave on medical grounds, the student will be required to submit a medical certificate in case the leave is of more than a week.
  4. Leave up to one week will be sanctioned by the concerned teacher. For leave extending, one week duration, the student shall have to apply to the Principal.
  5. A student will not be allowed to avail more than ten days leave during the entire academic session, except under exceptional circumstances.
  6. If a student remains absent for ten days continuously (Annual system) without information, his/her name will be struck off from the rolls of the college.
  7. Even if a student is on leave, he/she will have to deposit his/her fee as per the scheduled date decided by the college. Similarly, he/she will have to return the book on the due date.
  8. No leave will be granted during the Mid-term Examination.
  9. Students who represent College in various inter- college games or other competitions will have to get their leaves sanctioned from the Principal and noted by the subject teachers concerned before their departure for the event.


  1. The name of the student who absents himself/herself for 10 days continuously from any class without proper leave shall be struck off the college rolls. However, the Principal, in his/her discretion, may re-admit such students on payment of re-admission fee along with a fine (to be decided by the Principal) on the recommendation of the subject teacher.
  2. The student, whose name is struck off from the college rolls due to shortage of attendance, shall have to seek readmission within ten days of the name being struck off. Failing which he/she will not be eligible for re-admission. Parents/Guardian of the candidate must accompany such candidate and assume responsibility for the student’s regularity in classes during the remaining period of the academic session.He/She will have to seek re-admission on the recommendation of the concerned teachers and by the approval of the Principal.

A student can only be re-admitted twice. He shall cease to be a student after that. Re-admission required to be sought within ten days of the date on which the notice of struck-off is put on the Notice Board, failing which it is to be assumed that the student is not interested in continuing as such.

Identity cum Library Card

Once the admission of a student to the college is confirmed, he/she should collect his card from the College Office/Librarian well in time as per the schedule notified by the Office/ Librarian. It is compulsory for all students to carry the college identity card with them and to produce it for verification as and when demanded by the college authorities. The loss of identity card must be reported immediately to the college authorities. One has to file an FIR in order to get a duplicate identity card on payment of Rs. 20.00/- within one week only.

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