Solan, Himachal Pradesh 173215

राजकीय महाविद्यालय, कण्डाघाट

Govt Degree College, Kandaghat

Code of Conduct & Discipline

  1. The Principal and the members of the staff have the power to take disciplinary action against students indulging in any act of indiscipline, which may lead to fine, suspension, rustication or expulsion of the guilty student.
  2. It is the personal responsibility of every student to get himself/herself registered in their respective subjects. Failing which he/she will be marked absent and name will be struck off.
  3. Students are directed to switch off their mobiles as and when they enter their class rooms. Playing of music and songs on mobile phones is strictly prohibited. Any student, if found, indulging in it will be penalized.
  4. Only those functions can be held in the college campus which are organized or are allowed by the college authorities.
  5. Pasting of unauthorized posters in the college, writing on the walls, blackboards and notice boards is strictly prohibited.
  6. A student bringing outsiders to the college campus will be severely punished. Outsiders are not allowed to roam about in the college campus otherwise they would be handed over to the police.
  7. Roaming about in the campus, corridors and outside the classrooms during vacant periods and causing disturbance to work in this manner is highly undesirable and will be considered an act of indiscipline.
  8. Damage of any kind to college property including defacement of walls, damage to furniture, tampering with electrical or water fittings etc. is an act of indiscipline and is punishable.
  9. Use of Alcohol, tobacco and drugs is strictly prohibited. Any student found indulging in it will be penalized and necessary action will be taken.
  10. Using foul language with a student, teacher or any employee of the college shall be viewed seriously.
  11. All to go through the notices displayed on the College Notice Board on a regular basis.
    Students are expected to strictly follow the SOPs as notified by the college authorities.
  12. The Students are under the CCTV Surveillance.

Discipline Committee Members

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